This is what I fell recently.
Attitude can affect the result.
Yes, what you show can affect how other people respond.
The passion can be appealed. The dream can be passed.
Just like, when you go to the car store, if you don’t represent that you are planning to buy a car or you want to understand the information, seller will not bother you.
If you don’t believe what your dream will come true, who will believe?
So, what you are eager, what you can get.
By the way, I had changed my hair’s style. Ha!
2008年5月31日 星期六
Attitude can affect the result.
Attitude can affect the result.
This is what I fell recently.
Attitude can affect the result.
Yes, what you show can affect how other people respond.
The passion can be appealed. The dream can be passed.
Just like, when you go to the car store, if you don’t represent that you are planning to buy a car or you want to understand the information, seller will not bother you.
If you don’t believe what your dream will come true, who will believe?
So, what you are eager, what you can get.
2008年5月21日 星期三
[美食] 明園碳燒
久聞明園碳燒 是一家沒有招牌的店
今天因為宋先生終於備到了 呼 喜事一件
前往明園碳燒 一探真面目 (記得要抄好地址)
對著手上的地址 是個很平常住家的門 但一推了進去 就可以發現 樓下是一家蠻溫馨的吧台
第一次來不太知道要點什麼 就跟著老板娘的推薦和前方的hot菜單
第一道:炸蝦沙拉 (一塊塊是炸蝦仁 醬很特別很好吃)
第二道: 軟殼蟹壽司 (軟殼蟹包在重重料的裡面)
第一次吃到軟殼蟹, 蠻好吃的 ,但有點像油條耶.....
本來想點馬鈴薯燉肉 , 但今天沒有做,就依老板推薦點了這道
蘿蔔牛肉還蠻下飯的, 可惜沒有飯說...
但是一道蠻有創意的料理,雞肉用起司包住, 挖開後,可以沾旁邊是像溫泉蛋的生蛋汁 (上方是羅勒沙拉)
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